Monday 3 September 2012

How to Send Gifts to India

Festivals, birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions – those are days when overseas Indians are missed most by their families back home. NRIs feel equally amiss and helpless on not being able to be amongst their people on such occasions.

However, bridging these distances, and keeping the ties are an array of online services which bring home their presence in many subtle ways. Internet services offer a virtual department store to select the most appropriate gift for any occasion. From chocolates and cakes and flowers to apparel and personal toiletries, gifts received through online services do have a special appeal.

Gifts to India are not necessarily restricted to occasions. Most NRIs find it very convenient to shop for their relatives online before their visit to India for several reasons. For one, online shopping saves the hassle of rummaging through products at the department stores abroad. Quite often, apparel and other personal effects may not be in sync with fashion trends in India, or have the right fit. Internet shopping for gifts takes care of these worries, as Indian sites are custom made for local markets, and the probability of the gift being appreciated is perhaps higher than if purchased abroad.

In any case, there is no dearth of reputed international brands up for selection at the virtual gift shops for those who crave for foreign brands. These can be ordered online for gifting relatives in India at far more reasonable prices than they would be paying overseas, not to speak of the savings on baggage costs!

A new dimension to sending gifts to India is evolving, with mundane gifts giving way to more intangible lifestyle experiences. These could be as exciting as having your relative’s portrait sketched in charcoal, or gifting your wife back home with a complete makeover. From a day at the spa, to a ride in a hot air balloon, NRIs can look beyond the jewellery and the electronics which are multiplying in most homes.

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